Washoe County Commission Meeting Highlights

Below are highlights of some of the actions taken by the Board of Washoe County Commissioners at its September 27th meeting:

Removal of Fees: The Board amended the Master Fee Schedule for Fiscal Year 2010-2011. The amendment removes fees for Washoe County Health District Environmental Health Services Division review for Regulatory Zone Amendments. When a land use or zoning discretionary permit application is filed with Washoe County Department of Community Development, staff collects an application fee that is used to cover the majority of costs associated with processing the request. Portions of the collected fees are distributed to other Washoe County agencies whose staff review the application and provide recommendations, comments and conditions, based on their expertise and authority. The Environmental Health Services Division charged $150 for review of Regulatory Zone Amendment applications. The Division determined it no longer needs to review such applications and requested the fee not be collected. All other discretionary permit application reviews fees shall remain unchanged.

Donations: The Board accepted a $100.00 donation from the Nevada Border Collie Club to purchase supplies for the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office K-9 unit, as well as a $1000 donation from AT & T to the Washoe County Volunteer Program.

Grants: The Board accepted several grants today. Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness grant from the State Emergency Response Commission in the amount of $5,070 (no County match required). U.S. Forest Service grant for the Washoe County Sediment Reduction Project in the amount of $130,610.50 (no County match required) to cover the costs for a regenerative air, dustless, vacuum-assisted street sweeper for use in the Incline Village/Crystal Bay area. State of Nevada Lake Tahoe Water Quality and Stream Environment Zone grant in the amount of $1,590,000 (includes a 3% of the total project cost for administration). U.S. Forest Service grant for the Central Incline Village Water Quality Improvement Project in the amount of $1,500,000 (no County match required). Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance grant for detention facility improvements, electronic systems and travel and training pursuant to the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program in the amount of $343,382 (no County match required).

The Board amended the program agreement between Washoe County and Saint Mary’s Foundation – Kid’s to Senior Korner program in the amount of $3,693.71 for a total of $195,158.71. The Board also amended a grant agreement between Washoe County and the Children’s Cabinet in the amount of $3,371.11 for a total of $114,843.11 for the reallocation of Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program grant to move funds from areas where there is less utilization to areas of the greatest demand.

Board Appointments: The Board appointed Jill Andrea, Clinton Smith and Diane France as Members, and Barbara Boniface as an Alternate, to the Washoe County Senior Services Advisory Board. Carrie Heglund and Robert Underwood, as At-Large Members, and Ann Owen, as At-Large Alternate were appointed to the East Truckee Canyon Citizen Advisory Board. Keith Romwall was retroactively appointed to the Washoe County Audit Committee.