Speed and Pedestrian Enforcement Campaign Focuses on Educating the Public about Traffic Safety

The Washoe County Sheriff’s Office, along with the Reno Police and Sparks Police Department’s, will be launching a Speed and Pedestrian Enforcement Campaign starting April 18th and will continue until May 8th. The focus will be on educating the public regarding speeding and pedestrian safety within the two cities and Washoe County.

Sheriff’s Office Traffic Sergeant Phil Condon wants the driving public to be aware of Nevada Revised Statue (NRS) 484B.283, drivers’ duty to yield/stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk. Also NRS 484B.287, is the pedestrian’s responsibility to utilize crosswalks.

Sheriff Mike Haley and other law enforcement officials’ caution drivers and pedestrians to always be attentive, especially now that more people are taking advantage of the warmer temperatures. A person is no match against a moving vehicle, regardless of right-of-way.

The enforcement campaign is being funded by a grant that was awarded to each agency by the Department of Public Safety, Office of Traffic Safety. Deputies and officers will concentrate their efforts in areas prone to accidents and spots that have generated citizen’s complaints pertaining to overall traffic safety.