Festival of Winter Lights Being Held on Friday Night Only Due to Winter Storm

South Lake Tahoe, CA…Due to forecasted inclement weather, the Festival of Winter Lights will be held for one night only on Friday, December 9 from 4-8pm. Unfortunately, the Saturday portion has been cancelled. While we are disappointed with this change, we are very excited to invite the public out to enjoy the event for one evening. This change will have no impact on the festivities, vendor line-up, or entertainment schedule for Friday night.
Support your local vendors by doing some holiday shopping, participating in the holiday festivities, grabbing a bite to eat and drink, while embracing the holiday season.

As a reminder, don’t forget to bring an unwrapped toy to support Toys for Tots. Drop off your donation at their booth and pick up a free magic kit for kids or participate in their nightly raffle.

Parking is available at the City Recreation Complex or the Boys and Girls Club. Since parking will be limited, please carpool, consider taking public transportation, or a free Lake Link shuttle to and from the event. To book a ride with Lake Link, visit their website: www.tahoelakelink.com and download the app on your smart phone.

For event details, entertainment schedule, vendor list, and parking information, go to: https://www.cityofslt.us/fesitivalofwinterlights2022.
Don’t miss out on this family friendly event!

Alternate Contact: Emily Abernathy, (530) 542-6091, eabernathy@cityofslt.us


City of South Lake Tahoe
The City of South Lake Tahoe is a general law city in El Dorado County, CA, that was founded on November 30, 1965. Located 190 miles northeast of San Francisco, CA and 60 miles southwest of Reno, NV in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, South Lake Tahoe boasts one of the most unique settings in the world, at the edge of an alpine lake of great natural beauty and environmental value. The city limits encompass an area of approximately 16 square miles with an average elevation of more than 6,200 feet above sea level and a population of 22,525.