Workshop Series Focuses on Future of County Government; Available for Viewing On-Demand

As Washoe County faces a fifth year of budget deficits due to declining property tax and sales tax revenues which comprise nearly 80% of the county’s general fund, county officials continue to look for ways to restructure governments to be responsive to citizens’ needs with less resources.

Three workshops with the Washoe County Commission and staff were recently held to address this topic. These workshops were filmed and are available to view on demand via the county’s website. The workshops posted separately are:

* The Future of County Government: Employee Compensation and Benefits (11/9/10)
* The Future of County Government: Financial and Operational Sustainability (12/14/10)
* The Future of County Government: Scenario Planning (1/11/11)

Viewers can access these three videos by going to the county’s website at and selecting the “more WCTV programming” link on the front page. From there, they can select the programs they wish to view under “Featured Programming.”