Parking Heavily Enforced in Residential Areas by Heavenly Resort

South Lake Tahoe, CA…Parking will be heavily enforced by the South Lake Tahoe Police Department in residential areas by Heavenly Ski Resort throughout the holiday weekend. Over the past week there has been a significant number of cars double parked in streets, blocking driveways, or making roads impassable. This is also a safety concern if emergency vehicles need to access these roads. Parking on residential streets should be single file along one side of the road other than on Ski Run Boulevard where cars are parked diagonally. Residential streets where parking will be enforced include Keller Road, Ski Run Boulevard, Regina Road, Needle Peak Road, Saddle Road, and Wildwood Avenue. Officers will issue citations to individuals that violate parking laws and vehicles will be towed if they are blocking access to roads or driveways.



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The City of South Lake Tahoe is a general law city in El Dorado County, CA, that was founded on November 30, 1965. Located 190 miles northeast of San Francisco, CA and 60 miles southwest of Reno, NV in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, South Lake Tahoe boasts one of the most unique settings in the world, at the edge of an alpine lake of great natural beauty and environmental value. The city limits encompass an area of approximately 16 square miles with an average elevation of 6,200 feet above sea level and a population of 22,525.