Washoe Sheriff’s Department Shares Happy Ending to Hit & Run Story

Reno, NV…Remember the hit-and-run we told you about from Sunday? Several of the deputies who responded to the call where 10-year-old Jonathan was struck by a car wanted to make sure Jonathan could still ride a bike, and ride safely. Deputies Cholico, Masters, Vacca, and Brokaw picked up Jonathan yesterday and took him shopping for a new bike. They fully intended to spend their own money, but once Scheels heard Jonathan’s story — Scheel’s wanted to help out!!!

Thank you so much to Scheel’s for providing Jonathan with a new bike and accessories — including safety pads and gloves.

Then it was off to Reno Motor Sports, where the deputies bought Jonathan a new helmet similar to the one which saved him from a head injury.

We are so grateful to our community partners who have helped to prove to Jonathan that more people have good in their hearts than otherwise.

A case update for everyone: the deputies you see here along with Deputies Pelfrey and Gray located the suspect vehicle and have processed it. We will provide more case updates as information becomes available.

(As our post from Monday states — Jonathan was riding his bike in his Sun Valley neighborhood shortly before 7:00 p.m. Sunday. Jonathan heard a vehicle approaching, and he pulled to the side of the road. However, he wanted to cross the street. The female driver waved him to do so, and once Jonathan was in front of the vehicle the female driver accelerated — striking him. Luckily, Jonathan was wearing a helmet — but he did sustain injuries to his hip and road rash.)