Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board Vacancies

The Placer County Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board has several vacancies, including positions for clients of county programs and for outside professionals.

Created in 1993, the advisory board has seats for 16 members. It generally meets once a month.

“We are eager to get the vacant seats filled because the advisory board plays a vital role in helping the county evaluate its mental health, alcohol and drug programs,” said 3rd District Supervisor Jim Holmes, the Board of Supervisors representative on the advisory board.

“Serving on the advisory board gives the county’s clients and outside professionals an opportunity to be heard on the community’s needs, the county’s services and facilities, and special problems that arise.”

Advisory board members generally are appointed to three-year terms by the Board of Supervisors.

Some of the vacancies are for representatives of residents who are clients of county mental health, alcohol or drug programs. The representatives can be the client themselves, parents, spouses, siblings, adult children or significant others.

The advisory board also has openings for professionals with expertise in mental health and substance abuse treatment and for professionals in fields such as law enforcement and health that are impacted by mental health and substance abuse.

The board serves as an advisory body to both the Board of Supervisors and county Health and Human Services Department. Its responsibilities include making recommendations on the annual performance of county and provider services, on contracts between the county and state, and on county agreements with providers. The board also plays a role in helping educate the public on mental health and substance abuse issues.

For more information, please call Janna Jones at 530-889-7254 or go to the following web link: Advisory Board.