You’re invited! Discover the Carson River Watershed with Fun, Hands-on Activities at Snapshot Day

Carson City, NV…Explore the Carson River Watershed while helping to advance important water quality science! Snapshot Day is an annual water quality monitoring event held throughout the Carson River Watershed each fall. On Snapshot Day, students have the opportunity to collect real data from multiple locations along the river to provide a “snapshot” of environmental conditions. Field tests are conducted and water samples are collected for lab analysis to measure nutrient, sediment and bacteria levels. With 11 monitoring sites along the Carson River, students and volunteers from the Alpine County headwaters to the Churchill County terminus are invited to participate in this year’s event. Thus far, approximately 350 students have signed up to participate.

The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection is co-hosting Snapshot Day in partnership with River Wranglers and other public agencies, educational institutions, and nonprofit organizations to provide students with a unique opportunity to learn about local water quality issues, water quality protection, and to participate in watershed research. These field studies provide a unique hands-on opportunity to learn about the Carson River watershed and our natural environment.

Date: Friday, October 18, 2019

Time: 9AM – 12PM

Location: River Fork Ranch, Genoa; Lloyd’s Bridge, Carson River Park, Carson City; Dayton Bridge, Dayton; and multiple other sites in the Carson River Watershed

Students: Carson Montessori 4th Grade Class (55 students, 4 teachers)

Leaders: Darcy Phillips, River Wranglers, Jon Paul Kiel, NDEP; Brenda Hunt, CWSD; Shane Fryer, CWSD; Lindsay Chichester, UNCE; Lyndsey Boyer, Carson City Parks, Rec, & Open Space; and Kim Rigdon, NDEP.

For more information about Snapshot Day, contact Darcy Phillips, Executive Director, River Wranglers, at 775-386-2743 or
