Meals on Wheels Gets Assistance

Placer County District 5 Supervisor Jennifer Montgomery presented a $5,000 check for Meals on Wheels to Sarah Hall Deardorff, Executive Director of the Sierra Senior Services program in Truckee on Sun., Jan. 2, 2011.

for the Meals on Wheels program on Sun., Jan. 2, 2011, in Truckee.
In 2010, Supervisor Montgomery directed that her Fiscal Year 2010/11 District 5 Benefit Funds be allocated to Placer County Health and Human Services to distribute directly to support services and programs that assist children and seniors.

Sierra Senior Services is a community-based non-profit organization that conducts community fund raising for its senior meals and meals on wheels programs. The service provides meals in the North Lake Tahoe and Truckee area.

“I’m pleased that will help offset an increasing demand for meals from Donner Summit to Lake Tahoe,” said Montgomery. “Meals on Wheels provides a critical service for many elderly and disabled residents. The need however still outpaces the funding and I hope that other community partners will step forward to help meet the funding shortfall.”

Each year, Meals on Wheels has seen a 20 percent increase in demand. To meet that demand, the program uses state funding in addition to monies derived from grants and fund raising activities. The contribution from Placer County will ensure the service reaches as many citizens as possible.

“This funding is helping us continue serving meals to people in Placer County,” said Deardorff. “This allows us to continue serving meals at the rates we’ve been doing.”