Construction Management Contract OK’d for Kings Beach Project

Kings Beach, CA…With a 4-0 vote, the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday OK’d a construction management contract for a portion of the larger Kings Beach Commercial Core Improvement Project. This phase, called the Core of the Core, is located along State Route 28. The proposed project will improve roadway, pedestrian, bicycle, and roadside drainage facilities; and provide treatment for storm water runoff.

Proposed improvements for the entire Commercial Core Project include construction of sidewalks, curbs and gutters, bicycle lanes, intersections, public parking facilities and streetscape improvements along the 1.1 mile stretch of State Route 28 between Highway 267 and Chipmunk Street and in adjacent county roads.

“We have been working on this project for many years and with the Supervisors awarding the construction management contract, we are another step closer to completion of this important work,” said Public Works Director Ken Grehm. “Coincidentally, on the same day of the awarding of this contract, we opened bids for the actual construction of the Core Project. We hope to award that contract sometime next month.”

The Kings Beach project will also construct safety improvements in the county residential roads north of the highway. These are known as the Kings Beach grid, and a Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan was developed to address traffic on these streets.

The total project cost for the Core of the Core is estimated to be $24 million, with construction contract costs estimated at $20 million. The project and related construction management services are fully funded through various federal, state, and local sources. Funding for the project is included in this year’s Department Budget and future year budgets as necessary.