Placer County Offering No-Cost Vaccines For Pertussis And Influenza

Placer County Offering No-Cost Vaccines For Pertussis And Influenza

California saw the largest number of reported cases of pertussis in 63 years. Statewide, there were 8,383 reported cases in 2010 and 50 of these cases were in Placer County. These 2010 numbers represent a five-fold increase over the number of cases in 2009 for both the State and the County. A proven strategy to […]

Past Smoking Rates Are a Major Reason For Shorter Lifespans

Washington, DC….The nation’s history of heavy smoking is a major reason why lifespans in the U.S. fall short of those in many other high-income nations, and evidence suggests that current obesity levels also play a substantial part, says a new report from the National Research Council. Over the last 25 years, life expectancy at age […]

Cost to Treat Heart Disease Will Triple by 2030

Cost to Treat Heart Disease Will Triple by 2030

DALLAS, Jan. 24, 2011 — The cost to treat heart disease in the United States will triple by 2030, according to a policy statement published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association. “Despite the successes in reducing and treating heart disease over the last half century, even if we just maintain our current rates, […]

This Week on Melly’s Kitchen “Rich Polenta Cakes with Mushroom Sauce”~By Melanie Klann of Newsome Harlow Wines

This Week on Melly’s Kitchen “Rich Polenta Cakes with Mushroom Sauce”~By Melanie Klann of Newsome Harlow Wines

Murphys, CA….This week on Melly’s Kitchen, Melanie Klann talks Appetizers…..“For me, the reason appetizers are so amazing is that every piece is sacred, especially made for each guest. It is easy to make a big tri-tip and boil some potatoes for 80 people, but appetizers are an individual creation. One bite can have so many […]

Starting July 2011, a New Law (AB 354) Changing California Immunization Requirements for All Students Entering 7th-12th Grades Goes into Effect

Starting July 2011, a New Law (AB 354) Changing California Immunization Requirements for All Students Entering 7th-12th Grades Goes into Effect

California legislature passed AB 354 requiring all students grades 7-12 be immunized against whooping cough (pertussis) prior to entry for the next school year. All Bret Harte students will need proof of the Tdap vaccine on or after the 10th birthday to meet this requirement. Your physician or the health department vaccination clinics will be […]

Every Child Healthy network Launches to Help Kids Get Fit, Grow Confidence

CARSON CITY, Nev…The Every Child Healthy network, the nation’s newest, most unique holistic program to help children win the battle against obesity, launches today with comprehensive web-based and summer camp programs dedicated to helping youth become champions for life. The Every Child Healthy network’s global portal,, is the interactive centerpiece of a comprehensive, professionally-designed […]

Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board Vacancies

Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board Vacancies

The Placer County Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board has several vacancies, including positions for clients of county programs and for outside professionals. Created in 1993, the advisory board has seats for 16 members. It generally meets once a month. “We are eager to get the vacant seats filled because the advisory board plays […]

The Kid Connection….”Healthy Eating Habits”~by Stefanie Pechan

The Kid Connection….”Healthy Eating Habits”~by Stefanie Pechan

Fruits and vegetables… Are they a frequent visitor in your household or just an occasional guest? Do you have trouble getting the kids (or maybe yourself) to include those with every meal? As a parent, you have the most influence on your child. Here are a few suggestions on helping your child to develop healthy […]