Expansion And Upgrades Completed On Sheridan Wastewater Treatment Plant

Expansion And Upgrades Completed On Sheridan Wastewater Treatment Plant

At the Jan. 25, 2011 Board meeting, the Placer County Board of Supervisors approved a resolution that accepted as complete the expansion of the Sheridan Wastewater Treatment Ponds. The project site work was completed on Oct. 31, 2010. Construction began on Nov. 30, 2009. The $1.47 million project added 5.4 acres of spray disposal capacity […]

El Dorado County AQMD Motor Vehicle Emissions Reduction Projects Request for Proposals

(Placerville, Calif.)—The El Dorado County Air Quality Management District (AQMD) is requesting proposals for mobile source emissions reduction projects to be funded by grants from FY 2011-12 AB2766 DMV surcharge fees. The projects must be designed to reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) and particulate matter (PM) emissions or consist of related planning, […]

Clinton Calls for Peaceful Transfer to Democracy

Clinton Calls for Peaceful Transfer to Democracy

Washington, DC…In an Interview With Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated that the US is not calling for the ouster of President Mubarak but that we are calling for a peaceful transfer to Democracy. The full interview is below… Secretary Clinton: January 2011 » Interview With Chris Wallace of […]

Governor Brown Orders Immediate State Car Cutback

Governor Brown Orders Immediate State Car Cutback

SACRAMENTO – In an effort to cut the state’s passenger vehicle fleet in half, Governor Jerry Brown today directed all state agencies and departments to immediately halt new car purchases and turn in taxpayer-funded cars that are not essential to state business. “There is a lot of wasteful spending on cars that aren’t even driven,” […]

Weekly Presidential Address…Let’s Innovate!

Weekly Presidential Address…Let’s Innovate!

WASHINGTON – In this week’s address, President Obama called Orion Energy Systems in Manitowoc, Wisconsin an example of how America can win the future by being the best place on Earth to do business. Orion was able to open with the help of small business loans and incentives that are creating demand for clean energy […]

Granite Bay Advisory Council Seeking Secretary

Granite Bay Advisory Council Seeking Secretary

The Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council has a vacancy for a secretary. Placer County currently is taking applications from Granite Bay residents interested in serving as the MAC’s secretary. The Placer County Board of Supervisors will fill the vacancy. MAC secretaries are contract employees who work for the board. They are paid $150 for each […]

Workshop Series Focuses on Future of County Government; Available for Viewing On-Demand

Workshop Series Focuses on Future of County Government; Available for Viewing On-Demand

As Washoe County faces a fifth year of budget deficits due to declining property tax and sales tax revenues which comprise nearly 80% of the county’s general fund, county officials continue to look for ways to restructure governments to be responsive to citizens’ needs with less resources. Three workshops with the Washoe County Commission and […]

Conservation Plan Clears Major Milestone

Conservation Plan Clears Major Milestone

The proposed Placer County Conservation Plan passed a major milestone at a Board of Supervisors meeting Tuesday. On a unanimous vote, board members agreed to send the plan’s updated conservation strategy for review by federal and state regulatory agencies. “I think we have a plan that is historic,” said Supervisor Robert M. Weygandt, long a […]

Redistricting of Supervisorial Districts to Begin

Redistricting of Supervisorial Districts to Begin

Under the direction of the Placer County Board of Supervisors, Placer County staff will begin redistricting work on the five supervisorial districts in the County. Redistricting is based upon U.S. Census data that is collected every 10 years. The Census was last done in 2010. The U.S. Constitution requires that everyone residing in the United […]

Washoe County Projects $33.5 Million Budget Deficit for 2011-12; Presents Four-Pronged Solution for County Commission’s Consideration

Washoe County Projects $33.5 Million Budget Deficit for 2011-12; Presents Four-Pronged Solution for County Commission’s Consideration

Washoe County Commissioners today received a presentation stating that although the current fiscal year budget is on track with no need to reduce it further, there will be a budget deficit in the 2011-12 budget year projected to be $33.5 million. This estimate does not include the possible continuance of a 9 cent property tax […]