SACRAMENTO – Beth Gaines, R-Roseville, today issued the following statement in response to Governor Brown’s May Budget Revision:
“Families here in Northern California are making cuts to their budgets, food and gas prices are out of control and the Governor still wants to tax us and expand our government. Hardworking taxpayers should not have to bailout Sacramento for its years of irresponsible spending. The longer we continue to embrace failed ideas and bad policies, the more hardship we will face down the road. It’s time the Legislature gets serious about the long-term, structural reform our budget desperately needs. ”
“Last week, my Republican colleagues and I released a budget roadmap that will help get California on the path to economic recovery and help our state live within its means. Our plan fully-funds education (Prop 98) and protects vital services like public safety – without raises taxes.”
Gaines added that the Governor’s May Revise assumes $54 billion in higher taxes are approved by voters in June, despite $6.6 billion in higher revenues.
“Californians deserve a balanced, responsible budget that limits out of control state spending, while protecting vital government services and puts money away for a rainy day, just like working families do every day with their own pocketbooks. I look forward to working alongside my Assembly colleagues in the coming weeks to pass an accountable budget that will take action to grow the economy and bring back private-sector jobs to our state.”
Beth Gaines, R-Roseville, represents the 4th Assembly District, which includes portions of Placer, El Dorado, Sacramento and Alpine counties.